Sunday, April 26, 2015


Learning how to play the Cello has been getting easier! I'm progressing in putting my fingers where they need to be and making the correct sound. The cello is very strict because if your fingers arent exactly where they need to be, it will sound completely off. Your note you are trying to play can go flat instantly if you don't pay attention. 

Playing the cello is also a good brain exercise! It makes me think really hard about what I'm doing. It also works out the muscles in my fingers. After quite a while of playing, I will develope muscle memory... Not really sure I will be playing the cello for much longer after genius hour though. #danceislife  

I'm EXTREMELY thankful for Deja and all of her help! She helps me stay focused and teaches me the material I absolutely need for playing such a beautiful instrument. This week I am planning on video taping myself playing the cello. Don't count on a song YET! Still working on the notes. Stay tuned to see me progress in learning the cello(:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Learning the Cello

So far in my cello learning experience, it has been hard! Pressing down on the strings to make a certain note hurts as well as trying to hit the correct note you were told to hit. The position you have to sit and hold the cello in is really hard for me... Which... I have no idea why. On top of that, I got to use the bow. The bow might look easy to use... But it's really not. I have a tendency to play more than one note at a time.

   This next week, Deja is getting tapes put on the cello so I can learn easier which I hope will help me tremendously. My main issue in learning the cello, is spacing out my fingers to make every note. Sometimes I make the correct sound... Then others I don't. 

    All the fun of messing up is in learning something new! That's why I always have to keep my mind open and not frustrated. This was only my second week! So greatful for Deja! Can't wait for week 3!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Is learning an instrument really that hard?

        As a dancer, i have a natural connection with the music I dance to. Yes, dance moves are a huge part of a routine, but what really makes it come to life? Beautiful music composed by instruments of course! Knowing this has always made me interested in how instruments are played and what it takes to be able to play different types of music.

    The school I attend provides Genius Hour the last nine weeks of school. This is an hour in which you learn what you are interested in. Therefore, I picked an INSTRUMENT! Of course I can't get too ahead of myself and start learning all of the instruments... So I chose the Cello! My wonderful friend Deja is teaching me how to play in exchange for me teaching her the basics of dance.

       Excitingly, Deja and I have already started lessons! She and I both are working hard to learn something new! So greatful that I have an opportunity to learn something completely different than what I'm used to.